Guacamole - Gooble Gobble
Grilled garlic butter mushrooms - Dragon
Veggie and <*gasp!* cannibalism!> fungus tray - Fungus Woman
Veggies & dip - JAB
Veggies & dip - Prairie Dog
Jimmy Dean Sausage Cheese Balls - Sewsowbizzy & friends
The Walrus & The Carpenter's Seasoned Oyster Crackers - Beetle
Vegetarian Pizza - Big H
Chips & dip - Frog-A-Nobies
Spinach dip and Hawaiian bread - RaqsEnigma
Hummus & pita bread - Howling Coyote
Brown bread - Punxsygal
Multi-grain loaves of bread - Fairy Princess Fiona & Dollar Bill
Jams/jellies and bread - Drama Momma
Grapes - The Christmas Elves
Apples - The BTTLE family
"We Paint the Trail Mix Red" - speedsquare
Snack mix - Prairie Dog
Trail mix - Cherokee Rose 2 & Hawkeye
Ham sandwiches - CMoon & Kookaburra
Hot dogs & buns - Shooting Star
Hot dogs & buns - Singular Girl
Hot dogs & buns - Drama Momma
Hot dogs & buns - Coffee Beans & Atom 118
Hot dogs/brats & buns - Tiptoe & Tonto
Hot dogs/brats & buns - Kiddy Writer & Private Pilot
Hot dogs/sausages & buns - Wisconsin Hiker & Martini Man
Ketchup/mustard/and relish - Kimono Girl & Flying Dragon
Ketchup/mustard - The BTTLE family
Sub sandwiches and chips - Hiker Babe, River Rat & Nature Nerd
Vegetarian-friendly entree item - Fermont
Something vegetarian - Frog-A-Nobies
Cucumber sandwiches - P.Granola
Baked Beans - Tabby Tales
Spring leaf salad - Drama Momma
Pasta Salad - Wormy Wanderers
"Small Cake with Currants" and tea - Merlin & Ardea
Jam tarts - jacks
Queen of Heart biscuits (cookies) - Tabby Tales
Lewis Carroll Lemon Bars - Timbertoes
Sticky Toffee Pudding cake - KissMeKate
Lemon papeseed bread - Papeseed & Triclops
EAT ME cake - Fermont
Alice in Wonderbread "dessert" - Little h
Cookies and brownies - Coffee Beans & Atom 118
Ranger cookies - Acorn & Golden Boy
Dirt cups - CignaCats
Bottled water and soda - Sophie & Me
Bottled water - Doglvrs
? - Aimlesst
? - Armadillo Jo
? - Bedbug
? - CC Family
? - Deb Rocks (?)
? - Goosie & Gander
? - Jigsaw
? - Leapin' Lizards
? - MC Bear
? - Puddlejumpers & KDKadiddlehopper
? - Pale Puppy Posse & Naughty Dog
? - Pico & D
? - Shutterfly
? - SpringChick
? - Team Rabbit
? - The Nature Fairy
? - The Cat Herders
? - The Cottontails
? - Thumbs Up
? - Tiny Bookworm
? - Waltzing Pigs